Apart, but Together
Design Brief
This project was originally meant to be a multicolor screen printed greeting card design, but due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, all classes went virtual and the studio was closed. Unfortunately, this design was not able to be screen printed but the design practice remained the same.
Statistically Speaking
“Due to movement restriction and a significant slowdown of social and economic activities, air quality has improved in many cities with a reduction in water pollution in different parts of the world.”
— Jahangirnagar University, Department of Environmental and Geological Sciences
“Around the world, levels of harmful pollutants like NO2 (nitrogen dioxide), CO (carbon monoxide), SO2 (sulfur dioxide) and PM2.5 (small particulate matter) have plummeted—at least, while shutdowns continue.”
— Australian Academy of Science
“In the United States, for example, school closures, event cancellations and work-from-home policies will mean millions of people are no longer commuting by car during rush hour, resulting in pollution decline.”
— The Washington Post
No one knew how serious of an issue this virus would be until it effected all of us; every single person on this planet. At the start of the pandemic, we were seeing phenomena that hadn’t occurred in years - the Venice canals were crystal clear while the Himalayan peaks became visible from Northern India due to lower air pollution. The earth finally had some much needed time to breathe, which I wanted to reflect in my design. While the cities were locked down, nature was thriving; this juxtaposition inspired me to create this bold graphic series.
I chose Aaux Next because I wanted a clean yet bold sans serif to pair and stand up to the bold graphic elements in this series. I also wanted to be sure that the text was legible when scaled onto different products.